Thursday, September 11, 2008

1279: Not

When the best things to sayare the things which cannot be said,
I wonder..

why I miss
the choices I never made,
the days I never spent,
the lives I never lived,
the dreams I never dreamt,
the memories I never had,
the pains which I never endured.

It is not that Life seems meaningless without you,
Or the world any less grotesque
Or science any less profound or art uninspiring and religion any less hypocritical
Or literature less intricate and philosophy any less boring.
It is not that Life is nothing but the occasional burst of laughter
rising above the interminable wail of grief[1]

It is just that we never met,
as if we somehow lost an era we never had.

1.  Dedication(2007)


Acroyali said...
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Acroyali said...
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Anonymous said...

WOW! Please.. need permission to quote you.. with due credits ofcourse...

Brilliant stuff!

DT said...

use it as you please brother :)
though i don't think it is anywhere near the brilliant region :)

Anonymous said...

And I always thought... Mr.Thomas could never get philosophical!

DT said...


:) what a subtle way of saying it was boring by refering to the post's reference to philosophy :D i like it :)