Sunday, January 11, 2009

1287: Impossible

Fred Rouhling is frigging unbelievable. People who are so good should be taxed for it. I was completely flabbergasted by this part of L'autre côté du ciel(The Other Side of the Sky) to say the least. It is so much better than the MI2 farce

Be it the amount of bashing he has received from the climbing scene or the awesome things he has done, he is truly outstanding (outhanging?) in a world where the term is overused. The Salamandre is no less awe-inspiring. The 9b part of Akira makes you wonder what the heck does impossible really mean ( other than purely from a point of view in physics.. possibly ruined by Heisenberg )

Do read this interview of Rouhling
and do see some awesome stuff here

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