Friday, December 12, 2008

1283: Climbing

This has been my first 'free' end-of-the-year in a long long time. Eventhough it is just another completely arbitrary point of time in the 'larger' scale of things I am enjoying it quite a bit. The most interesting aspect of the past few (unblogged) weeks and months is a bit of retrospection .. well, maybe not that much.

One of the facts which did come up without even much effort was my limits. By limits I mean both physical and cognitive. I made some reference to it in here and here. Due to spending quite sometime in a very sedentary lifestyle, I guess,  I have been particularly lacking in the physical department, and was/am sure it needed immediate attention. 10 more years and no point trying to start doing a planche. As far as cognitive skills go, considering the fact that I am often lame, occassionally idiotic, and always hopelessly irrelevant, I can't see any future except for continuing my wandering a little bit more structurally.

I have already forgotten what it was that I wanted to explain, but nevertheless, my health has radically improved over the past few weeks/months. I am hopeful of making consistent progress over the next decade.


In particular I have always been impressed with climbing. Of late, quite possibly due to the retrospection, I started admiring it even more, in particular the feats of Bachar, John Gill , Dan Osman, Chris Sharma and so on. (Bachar is my favourite of course) After watching considerable amount of Dosage dvds and religiously studying Royal Robbins Rockcraft I am currently self-brainwashed enough to go to a rock climbing camp organized by Girivihar at Navi mumbai.
I am particularly impressed by John Gill. His personal website is definitely an awesome resource for braindead guys like myself. For a math professor by profession and gymnast by chance? being the greatest boulderer by choice sounds like not so bad an achievement. Maybe I would only understand the stuff he keeps rambling about ( "the inner poetry of climbing" etc.) after a long long time / never. But nevertheless. I am quite convinced about free soloing a 5.12a (god save my soul)
The picture to the right is of Dan Osman ( and yes the photo is in the right orientation)


Considering the fact that i am pursuing one goal, I figured why not make a bucketlist. I have never been good with TODOs . But this is the one list which I definitely want to do. around 4000 days left for many of the ones mentioned(Physical). And the best part is I have already started. The Bucketlist at a very rudimentary stage can be found here. That is one page I inted to keep updated just as meticulously(sic) as my ReadingList.

I should also mention that I had quite an amazing time at Kakinada with my dear good friend gurra a.k.a Gurpreet Singh Sawhney and his wonderful colleagues of Schlums Kakinada base and I would like to certify gurra's statement that "Kakinada IS a CITY" to be true.
If anybody is interested in Climbing please do come to the camp at Mumbai. It would be so much fun.


Prototyper said...

Dude just grow some muscles before even attempting this. This is NOT Parkour. Maybe someday, I may invest enough time in health.... Someday... Have fun in Mumbai

Prototyper said...

The Music Section on the Big Up Website is really good. I am thinking off downloading them

DT said...

@ future ceo of yahoo :P

1. i don't think i would be climbing even a 5.8 at the camp.
2. strength is quite different from growing muscles.
3. i am particularly getting interested in bodyweight exercises ( more to follow soon ;) )
4. I think Big Up Productions is doing a really nice job.

and more importantly , brother.. this is the time , this is the age. Do care about your health/fitness right now.. and by that i obviously don't mean losing weight and a six pack abs. let body proportions and appearance go to hell. physical discipline. that is something worth having. 10 years and we will be too old dear friend :)