Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Heroes

I never had any childhood heroes I looked upto... nor any role models I wanted to emulate..not that I regret it or anything :P Of course I did and do admire a lot of people but the aspiration to be even a bit like them or to try doing something like them curiously enough hasn't happened. And obviously they are far too great to be emulated by an average prick like me. Also, this character trait is not necessarily a bad thing i guess ( I was never very good at the whole senior-respect worship thing at kharagpur for instance :P)

Since I seem to be forgetting a lot of stuff in life, I figure it is better to write down a short list of the people i truly admire .. Well calling them heroes sounds gimmicky .. but then again who cares.

Unquestionably in any particular order. and in no way comprehensive :)

The Active
Paavo Nurmi
Erich Hartmann : "Get close .. when he fills the entire windscreen ... then you can't possibly miss."
Simo Häyhä : 542 kills :O
Doug Pruden: stupid really :P

The Authors

The Artists
Zdislaw Beksinsky

The Intellectuals
Landau : When you are that good it definitely shows
Feynman: who else could say "To win a Nobel Prize is no big deal, but to win it with an IQ of 125, now that's something."
Euler : well he had 13 kids and was probably the most prolific guy who ever lived .. 
"Grisha" Perelman : It is the 21st century after all.. we celebrate recluses.

The Assholes
Sacha Cohen: he makes a *decent* living screwing and screwing with people.. need i say more
The South Park guys :P
The author is listening to Op. 18: String Quartet No.4 In C Minor: Allegro ma non tanto by Beethoven but doubts whether it has any effect whatsoever on his thought.
The author has become a regular user of CIA.vc and Ohloh
And if you haven't already used it, probably boost could sweep you off your feet

Afterthought: 2.3 crore out of the 16.8 crore people that soviet had died in world war 2 :) W are indeed such lovely creatures :) <>

1 comment:

Alok Kothari said...

Euler : well he had 13 kids and was probably the most prolific guy who ever lived ..
"Grisha" Perelman : It is the 21st century after all.. we celebrate recluses.

Yes both would be on my list too.