Monday, August 25, 2008

1277: Post-summer lethargy

Irrelevant Rambling

I have always been pretty jobless. But ah the bliss of joblessness right now is something different indeed. Gsoc finally came to an end a few days back. It was truly a very different experience from the past two years but at the same time equally enjoyable. Sean is willing to ask for an extension for CGR / ACM conference, but I don't think I would be able to come up with a good abstract in this state of lethargy.

Want to finish the R book. But am spending lesser and lesser time in front of the computer. Maybe Processing and R would take longer. After waiting for almost 2 years, I finally have the sixth edition of Wheelock's Latin . Going at a good pace in the usual Beginner's frenzy mode. Running at 5 am is getting interrupted almost every alternate day. Following routine is such a bitch :P And hopefully I can start playing violin this week. I have also never been very good with TODO lists as if just the existence of a list somehow compels me to deviate from it. But I guess I roughly have a few things in my mind for the next couple of weeks/ months :P

Awesome Projects
Arduino followed by RepRap would definitely be one among those things. In their own words
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.

RepRap is short for Replicating Rapid-prototyper. It is the practical self-copying 3D printer ...- a self-replicating machine. This 3D printer builds the parts up in layers of plastic. This technology already exists, but the cheapest commercial machine would cost you about €30,000. And it isn't even designed so that it can make itself. So what the RepRap team are doing is to develop and to give away the designs for a much cheaper machine with the novel capability of being able to self-copy (material costs are about €500). That way it's accessible to small communities in the developing world as well as individuals in the developed world. Following the principles of the Free Software Movement we are distributing the RepRap machine at no cost to everyone under the GNU General Public Licence. So, if you have a RepRap machine, you can make another and give it to a friend..

Reading list
1. Mad: 1 - 100

2. Proofs from THE BOOK
Aigner and Ziegler.

as ma man said, you need not believe in God, but you should believe in The Book. And what a true pleasure it is turning out to be. I might never see the book, but this mortal attempt is no less wonderful. Just the 2nd page and they stun me with Erdős's divergence of the inverse sum of primes. I wish my math didnt suck so much. I guess

Roger's equation editor is quite helpful , blogging-wise that is
1277th week on Planet earth

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